Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Top Hornet Sports Photographer in Monroe, Ohio - Bryan Garde

Photo by Bryan Garde

There are many people who photograph Monroe sports. Many contribute to this site. Main Street Monroe is news, photos and videos of, by and from the people of Monroe. Residents, community leaders and businesses in Monroe have contributed photos of events in Monroe. Main Street Monroe featuring the Voice of Monroe, is the place for the latest news and information about Monroe.

As far as sports photography, three Monroe photographers stand out as the best of the best. Bryan Garde is one of the top 3. Here is why:

Photo by Bryan Garde

First of all Bryan Garde. Bryan has been contributing sports photographs since just about the inception of Main Street Monroe over a decade ago.

Photo by Bryan Garde

He has photographed Hornet Track meets, Hornet Soccer, Girls Hornet Softball, Hornet Football and Hornet Tennis.

Photos by Bryan Garde - April 9, 2008 - Notice the old Lemon-Monroe High School in the Background.

Bryan Garde owns a business called, he takes wedding photos, graduation photos and other event photos. Recently, Bryan joined up with Bob Carroll, another great Monroe photographer to start Blue River Images.

I recommend Bryan Garde for any event where professional photography is needed.

Next post: Top 3 Sports Photographers in Monroe, Ohio  -Part 2
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